To get started with online networking at the ISTH 2021 Congress, follow these 5 easy steps:


1. Make sure you are opted into networking at
You can check whether you are opted into networking at ISTH 2021 by checking the settings in your Profile (Profile is located in the top right Corner of the home page).


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Once you have located your profile> select settings. On the settings page if you are not opted in and would like to opt in select > Participate in Networking> Save.


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2. Join the Networking Portal

Once you are opted-in to participate in Networking, on the home page select> Connect with attendees and supporters.

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3. Find Attendees to Network With…

You can find attendees to network with by searching by name or organization or filtering by country, place of work or professional focus.

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4. Connect With Attendees

You can connect with other attendees via a chat or a video call. To set up a video call select> schedule a meeting


When you create a meeting, you will be able to select the date and time of the meeting along with who you would like to an invite. A notification will then be sent to the attendees that you have invited and they can choose to accept or reject the invitation. If they choose to accept the meeting a link to attend the meeting will be sent to the host and all attendees.

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5. Check Your Notifications

If you have been invited to a meeting or a chat, you will receive a notification in the top right- hand corner of the screen. You can then choose to accept or reject this meeting or chat.

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For more tips on navigating the Congress, watch the video here.

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